25th September 2018 | Company info

My Blachere experience!

At the beginning of July Mark & I went off to Huddersfield for a meeting with Ronnie from Blachere. On the journey there, Mark had told me I would be in for a surprise and the tour of what Blachere can do is fantastic, as I waited we bated breathe the journey came to an end, we had arrived!

As you walk through the door you arrive into an enchanted kingdom, singing polar bears welcome you, you walk through a mesmerising forest of sparkly lights, talking Christmas trees, Santa and his reindeer with a musical encore, the story is endless and I won’t spoil all the surprises for you!

We then were lucky enough to experience a tour of the factory, where the magic happens! I kind of expected (hoped) to see lots of elves running about frantically, they weren’t elves but they were definitely working very hard on Blachere endless projects! As we are walking through the masses of, life-size soldiers, ponies, thrones, I spotted a cow, a life-size cow!! As always on a shopping trip you never want to go home empty handed, ok we weren’t exactly on a shopping trip, but meeting/shopping same thing, right? So I set my sights on the cow, explaining to Ronnie how she would be very well looked after on our dairy farm and will take pride of place outside the entrance….we shall call her Ronnie!!

After the fantastic tour of the warehouse and a lovely exclusive visit to the new Blachere warehouse just down the road, Ronnie told us to pull the car around, he gathered some elves together and in true elf style, the made the impossible possible! Ronnie (the life-size cow) was hoisted onto the top of Marks Car, strapped down, and ready for her 4hr drive back to Wales!

Four hours later, after lots of funny looks, people hanging out of cars to take pictures and lots of giggles, Ronnie arrived in sunny Wales, to her new home, she had a very warm welcome and is now ready to start her new life as the ambassador of Calcourt Farms! Once she is in her fixed place (unfortunately she must be securely stuck down, we don’t want any cow thieves to get her!) look out for her on Revive & Thrive Social media pages…..who knows Ronnie might get her own segment in Place Magazine!!

Joking aside, Ronnie (the real Ronnie!) has a real talent, Blachere is an amazing company, they will go above and beyond to make sure you have what you need to make your Place stand out, whether it be for Christmas lighting, specific theming, they really are a one-stop unique shop! The guys are very talented, they will listen to what you want and advise how they can maximise it for your place. We can’t wait to continue working with Blachere and show you how amazing they are! Go and check out their work.

Claire Holmes
Marketing, Events & Membership Manager

Claire Holmes
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